Wapogasset/Bear Trap Lake Improvement Association
Shoreland Property Owner Handbook
This document put together by Polk County contains great information on how to enjoy the lake life while complying with various regulations. Zoning regulations, shoreland restoration, aquatic plants, aquatic invasive species and a comprehensive chart with contact info for specific topics are all within the document.
This document put together by Polk County contains great information on how to enjoy the lake life while complying with various regulations. Zoning regulations, shoreland restoration, aquatic plants, aquatic invasive species and a comprehensive chart with contact info for specific topics are all within the document.
Lake Wapogasset and Bear Trap Lake Aquatic Management Plan was approved by the WDNR.
The 5-year plan presents a strategy for managing aquatic plants by protecting native plant populations, reducing impacts of curly-leaf pondweed and preventing the establishment of additional invasive species.
The 5-year plan presents a strategy for managing aquatic plants by protecting native plant populations, reducing impacts of curly-leaf pondweed and preventing the establishment of additional invasive species.
The purpose of the association is to protect and promote the improvement of the lakes and their surroundings for the current and future benefit of recreational users, the general public, riparian and adjacent watershed landowners and residents. Also to provide a forum for public expression on lake and watershed issues, to enhance water quality, fishery, recreational use, social activities, public safety and related education/communications.